Who Is This Man? (John 1:19-2:11; 3:22-36; Luke 7:20-30)
Download MP3The Gospels provide us the opportunity to encounter not only the humanity of Jesus but also the responses to His humanity from those who encountered and joined Him in his early public ministry. As we observe the words and actions of John the Baptist, Jesus' first disciples, and his mother, Mary, as recorded by Luke and John, we see two righteous responses to Jesus' humanity - humble questions and faith-filled expectations. Like these men and women, we can encounter truth and allow it to conform our minds, hearts, and lives to the obedience of Christ through the power of the Spirit.
Application Questions
- Will you believe that Jesus is who He said He was?
- Will you trust God and find your hope solely in Jesus’ righteous life and sacrificial death?
- Will you study the Old and New Testaments and take the Scriptures at face value?
- Will you honestly wrestle with the hard questions?
- When you find the truth, will you change?
- Will you proclaim it to a lost and dying world without shying away from the difficulties?
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