Simon Pranaitis
Teacher, Kootenai Community Church
Appears in 16 Episodes
Delighting in the Relationships (John 14-17)
The humanity of Jesus provides peace, joy, and delight for all believers experiencing trouble. This lesson focuses on the four relationships made possible by the man C...

Proclaiming Light in the Darkness (Luke 4:14-30; Mark 6:1-6)
Jesus returns to his hometown of Nazareth twice, and in both instances, His teaching is rejected. This reality demonstrates that despite Jesus' powerful proclamation o...

Who Is This Man? (John 1:19-2:11; 3:22-36; Luke 7:20-30)
The Gospels provide us the opportunity to encounter not only the humanity of Jesus but also the responses to His humanity from those who encountered and joined Him in ...

Be Humble Like Christ (Philippians 2:1-8)
In his letter to the Philippian church, Paul challenges them to have the same mind as Christ Jesus. How is this possible? This lesson focuses on how Paul commends Chri...

A Pattern for Suffering (1 Peter 2:21)
In this sermon, Simon Pranaitis explores 1 Peter 2:21 and how Jesus' example of suffering provides a pattern for believers to follow in their trials. Pranaitis explain...

Tension, Temptation, and Trust (Luke 4:1-14; Mark 1:12-13; Matthew 4:1-11; Hebrews 4:14-16)
The book of Hebrews counsels us to come to God for grace in times of need through the ministry of Jesus, our great High Priest, who can sympathize with us in our weakn...

Obedient to the Spirit (Matthew 3, Mark 1: 1-11, Luke 3:1-22)
The Gospel accounts of Jesus' response to John's call to be baptized alongside His Jewish countrymen highlight His faithful obedience to the word of God through the po...

The Servant's Mission (Isaiah 42:1-4, 49:1-6)
In Isaiah 42 and 49, the first two "Servant Songs," we see two primary goals of Jesus as the Messiah that motivate and encourage Him to overcome difficulties. Jesus' m...

Full of the Spirit (Isaiah 7:14; 9:6-7; 11:1-5)
The relationship between Jesus and the Holy Spirit reveals how being full of the Spirit enabled Christ's earthly ministry. Through Isaiah's prophecies, we see how bein...

Motivated for Sanctification (Hebrews 2:5-18)
Christ empowers sanctification through His perfect humanity, as explored in Hebrews 2:5-18. Simon Pranaitis examines four powerful incentives for believers to persist ...

Growing in Wise Obedience (Luke 2:40-52)
Growing in wise obedience is a crucial aspect of Christian life, exemplified by Jesus' own journey of growth and obedience. This lesson explores how Jesus increased in...

Ten Reasons for Studying the Humanity of Jesus (Selected Scriptures)
Simon Pranaitis explores ten compelling reasons for studying Jesus's humanity. He emphasizes how this study glorifies Christ, deepens our relationships with the Trinit...

Protective Prayer (Philippians 4:6-7)
Simon Pranaitis emphasizes the importance of prayer in combating anxiety in his sermon on Philippians 4:6-7. He explains how believers can strengthen their prayer life...

Praying for Maturity (Philippians 1:9-11)
In his sermon, Simon Pranaitis emphasizes the importance of praying for maturity in the church, highlighting how it is a critical aspect of spiritual growth. He explai...

Joyful Prayer (Philippians 1:3-8)
In his sermon "Joyful Prayer," Simon Pranaitis explores Apostle Paul's practice of consistently praying with joy, as detailed in Philippians 1:3-8. He highlights how P...

Paul's Prayer Priorities (Selected Scriptures)
In this new study series on prayer with this lesson delivered by Simon Pranaitis, the prayer priorities of Paul are meticulously explored to uncover the depth of relat...